The tournament held at Countryside School was a success in many ways thanks to the students and volunteers. The players continue advancing in their knowledge as they get an opportunity to test their skills at tournaments. Through food sales Chess Without Borders raised $490 thanks to the efforts of our student and adult volunteers. The money will be donated to a local Illinois charity that will provide a meal for prisoners who are being rehabilitated into society. Our student volunteers were Toby Schwartz, Millen Srivastava, Varun Ahuja, Prathnik Kandimala, Zander and Aidan Kitchen and Jane Bradley. They were terrific in their charm and service.


A special thanks goes out to our adult helpers who generously donated their time and effort as they taught our students the value of service and what it means to make a difference in this world. We salute our very own Grandmaster Gourmet Chef Zein Bertacchi who has made it a tradition to serve hand made hummus at many tournaments. We have donated $75,930 over the last ten years and won many awards for our unique combination of education with service.

Special thanks to adult volunteers Margo Bradley, Jeff, Marian Wulff, Nina Sethi, Peggy Schwartz and Zein Bertacchi who worked tirelessly to reach our goals. The supplies were donated by Chess Without Borders, Shona Ahuja, Sethis and Margo Bradley. Each tournament is an introduction to the rich world of learning and service for our students many of whom go on to win the Presidential Award for creating projects through service.



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